On January 25, 2023, I filed an amended complaint which added, among other things, the FDA and HHS as defendants and a powerful First Amendment Claim. I am extremely excited to have found a way to add the FDA, as many of us know they play a large role in approving many of the deadly, toxic, and addictive pharmaceutical drugs currently scheduled as legal and prescribed under the CSA. They do so while readily accepting billions of dollars from these same pharmaceutical companies. There is so much more I could discuss, but for now, I wanted to provide the amended complaint for your reading pleasure.
Thank to all who have supported this cause. The success of this lawsuit that will free millions of people from the mind control and slavery system that is the so-called War on Drugs depends largely on support by the masses. The so-called War on Drugs affects every family in the U.S. and beyond. If you or a loved one has ever gone to the doctor and been prescribed a controlled substance - this affects you. If you are a loved one has ever been put in jail or prison for simple possession of a controlled substance - this affects you. The harm this all has caused is vast. We all need to stand up and make our voices heard. Together we will win this!